We all face struggles in life. Sometimes those struggles are out of our hands. Other times we can control the things in our life. Worrying about things can cause us unwanted stress. We need to focus on the things we can manage to find peace in our lives.
The Serenity Prayer has become the mantra of many Twelve Step programs. The Serenity Prayer can help you focus your thoughts. The Serenity Prayer Cross is a great visual reminder to give you peace in times of stress.
This prayer is a simple request to God for wisdom. Wisdom to know the difference between the things we can and cannot change. We also need the strength to make changes and the peace to trust in Him for the things we have no control over.
The prayer is engraved on a cross to symbolize the connection between peace and Jesus. Through Him, we can find the peace and serenity we seek.
Our Serenity Prayer Wall Cross is lovingly crafted with the help of God and a 40-watt laser. It measures 15 x 13.2 inches and weighs 10.2 ounces. The sign is made of three layers of wood. The top layer is made of walnut plywood. We use Baltic birch for the middle layer. For the backing layer, we use MDF.
The Serenity Prayer Wall Cross is a perfect addition to your home, office, or church. Perhaps you work with Twelve Step programs or related community supports. If so, this sign can be a beacon of hope and relief.
Our products are handcrafted with love and care. We have a simple mission with our company. That is to share God’s love with everyone who sees and purchases our products.
Having something to guide you can be a blessing in a world of trouble and worry. Our Serenity Prayer Wall Cross is the perfect reminder to trust God to see us through.