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What is the New Covenant?

Posted by Matt LaClear on January 31, 2023

What is the New Covenant? | Agape Woodwork

Do you ever wonder what the New Covenant in the Bible is all about?

It's a promise made between God and us. Through this covenant, we receive grace, mercy, and forgiveness directly from God, regardless of our sin. It also gives us new hope despite any dark times we might face.

In short, it's a sign of God's love that helps us stay close to Him even in the most demanding situations.

new covenant

Definition of Covenant

A covenant is an agreement between God and humanity that sets expectations.

It’s an extraordinary promise, like a contract, where both sides agree to something. One central covenant between God and humans is the one made in the Bible through Noah after the great flood – God promised never to flood the entire earth again, and he blessed us with many gifts.

Throughout the Bible, other covenants are made between God and different people or groups.

These covenants show how much God cares for us and remind us that we are responsible for honoring our agreements with God.

Historical Perspective

Throughout history, God has made covenants with humankind.

He promised Abraham a great nation (Genesis 12:2-3) and to David an everlasting kingdom (2 Samuel 7:16). In the covenant with Moses, He established laws and practices to bring holiness (Exodus 24:8). He promised through the prophets that He would restore Israel's relationship with Him (Jeremiah 31:31-34). And in Jesus, He showers humanity with grace and mercy (Hebrews 8:6-13).

Through these covenants, God patiently works to draw humanity closer to Him, demonstrating His love for us all.

What is the New Covenant? 

God promised a new covenant to His people.

It would be different from all covenants before it: through this covenant, God promised to write His laws and commands in their hearts (Jeremiah 31:33).

This new covenant means that God's love and grace are available to you personally—you no longer need to rely on priests or external sacrifices for forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 8:7-13).

Through the New Covenant, we are free to live the life God created us for, full of joy and peace (Romans 8:2)!

The Nature of the New Covenant

You are invited to enter into a New Covenant with God.

He promises to forgive you and make you part of His family forever. This is made possible through faith in Jesus, who did the work of redemption on your behalf.

In exchange, you promise to put God first and obey His commands wholeheartedly. This is a covenant of grace and mercy, not one that relies on your good works or accomplishments.

Live in the joy of this covenant each day – you are loved, forgiven, and made for eternity!

The Significance of Jesus

Jesus is at the heart of the New Covenant.

He died to take away all our sins, and his resurrection brings us new life. Through His sacrifice, we are reconciled with God and can live in a right relationship with Him.

We have hope and certainty of salvation because of what Jesus did. He has given us the gift of eternal life that can never get taken away if we accept Him into our hearts.

Moreover, each day brings fresh mercy and grace, so we no longer need to carry guilt or shame for our past mistakes.

Accepting Jesus into our lives means embracing freedom and peace in exchange for slavery and sin, knowing that God loves us unconditionally.

 The Significance of Jesus

The Role of Faith

Faith is the foundation of the New Covenant.

Through faith, you access God's grace and receive all the gifts He has promised. By trusting in Him, you open yourself to spiritual blessing, healing, and joy. Your faith holds the key to unlocking its full potential.

Step out in trust and see what wonders God can do. Take heart and believe—the New Covenant promises a life of hope, faith, and love.

The Role of Love

You need love to understand and live out the New Covenant.

God's perfect love binds us to Him (1 John 4:19). As you seek to cooperate with Him, you must also extend this love to others. The New Covenant requires self-sacrifice, service, and humble obedience; these are only made possible as you let His perfect love guide your words and deeds (John 13:34).

Love is essential for understanding and living out the New Covenant.

The Role of Love

The Call to Repentance

Repentance is a step toward a new life in Christ. 

As His Word says in 2 Corinthians 7:10, "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret." It's an essential part of the New Covenant, which promises reconciliation with God and redemption from sin. 

You can experience new life through repentance:

  • Turning away from sin
  • Seeking forgiveness
  • Confessing your sins
  • Trusting in Jesus as your Savior

The Promise of Forgiveness

You may have sinned and feel like you are too far gone. But you can be made right with God again.

Through the New Covenant, He offers forgiveness to those who repent and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. "Come now, let us reason together," says the Lord. (Isaiah 1:18) Take a step towards Him today–He is ready to receive you.


The Promise of Eternal Life

You have been promised eternal life.

John 3:16 tells us that "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Through Jesus' death on the cross, a New Covenant was established, granting you access to everlasting life.

Believe in Jesus and accept his gift of an abundance of life – one that never ends.

The Promise of Renewal

The New Covenant promises renewal.

Through it, you are shown mercy and forgiveness of your sins. God remembers them no more (Hebrews 8:12). You receive an invitation to abide in Him and experience His love, joy, and peace.

Jesus is a reliable guide to the path of serenity (Jeremiah 31:34). He offers renewed strength, hope, and courage to go on.

Your heart will be made new (Ezekiel 36:26). With faith; you can trust that God is with you always - even when times are hard.

 The Promise of Renewal


God offers a better way and path for us to follow.

He has provided laws and regulations that man could not keep and gave us access to a New Covenant promised in the Bible- one of grace, mercy, and peace. God desires us to be close to him through this new covenant by trusting Him and His holy Word.

Through this connection, He will guide us every step to protect us from sin and wrong-doing.


Matt LaClear
Matt LaClear
